Prof. Carlo Weber

Carlo Weber, born 6th April 1934 in Saarbrücken ; married to Liliane Weber since 1965; two daughters and one son. He died in May 2014.
1953-58 studied architecture at Stuttgart Technical University (now Stuttgart University)
1955-56 gained practical experience at Behnisch & Lambart, Stuttgart, working among other projects on Vogelsang Elementary School. Continued working at the office during his studies from 1956-58
1958-59 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for architectural studies at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts in Paris
1960-61 worked at Les Frères Arsène Henry and Prof. Louis Arretche, Paris
1961 gained his Diploma at Stuttgart Technical University (now Stuttgart University)
1961-66 worked for Günter Behnisch on School of Engineering Ulm (with Winfried Büxel), Grammar School Schwenningen and Furtwangen (with Lothar Seidel) and Mittelpunktschule “In den Berglen” Oppelsbohm.
1966 Carlo Weber together with Fritz Auer, Winfried Büxel and Erhard Tränkner became partner at Behnisch & Partner
1967 moved to Munich
1974 moved back to Stuttgart
1979 left the partnership of Behnisch & Partner together with Fritz Auer
1980 founded the office Auer+Weber GbR, Stuttgart/Munich together with Fritz Auer
1980-90 lectures at Stuttgart University
1992-1999 Professor for Building Technology and Design, Dresden University of Technology
since 1996 Member of the Saxon Academy of Arts, Dresden
2006 Founding Partner of Auer+Weber+Assoziierte GmbH Stuttgart/Munich
2014 died in Stuttgart
Extensive judging and lecturing
Carlo Weber lives at Lake Starnberg and Stuttgart.